8921 26th Ave. NE Seattle WA 98115

Rainbow Bridge is a Waldorf-inspired preschool in the Wedgwood neighborhood, providing a warm and gentle environment for children ages three, four, and five. Each school day has an intentional rhythm to help nurture creative imagination and develop healthy social skills. We honor and celebrate the diversity of cultures and languages. Along with indoor and outdoor play and an artistic activity each day, the children hear stories and experience seasonal festival from around the world. Both English and Japanese are spoken at school.
About Myself
I was born and raised in Japan. Both my husband and I came to the United States in 1983 to study Curative Education (Waldorf education adapted to serve children with developmental disabilities) at Camphill Special School in Pennsylvania. I then completed a Waldorf Kindergarten teacher training in New York in 1989. My husband and I worked for a Waldorf Kindergarten in Japan for three years. We returned to the U.S. in 1992 and have lived in Seattle since then. I have been running Rainbow Bridge Preschool since 1994. I believe in the intrinsic value of every child, and hope to provide an environment that will encourage a child to experience the fullness of him/herself and the surrounding world.
Important Information
Hours & Tuition
Rainbow Bridge Preschool is a part-time program which operates Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:45 am to 12:45 pm. The school year commences after Labor Day and continues through mid-June. We are closed on:
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas (2 weeks)
- Mid-winter break (1 week in February)
- Spring break (1 week in April)
- $390 per month (September ~ June)
- $50 registration fee (non-refundable)
- $100 materials fee (one-time only, due in September)
Birthdays & Events
Parents are encouraged to attend their child’s birthday celebration. On the child’s birthday, they may bring photos or memorable items, such as first shoes, favorite toys, etc. to share with the group.
Play date 10:30 am ~ 12:00 pm Last Monday in July
Home visit 20 ~ 30 minutes August
Welcoming the Fall 10:00 am ~ 12:00 pm Last Wednesday in August
(children only)
First day of school 9:45 am ~ 12:45 pm Wednesday after Labor Day
Morning at the park 10:30 am ~ 12: 00 pm First Saturday in October
(Matthew’s Beach)
Winter Solstice Celebration 4:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm Mid- December
(with family)
Games Day 9:20 am ~ 11:00 am* Early June
*Regular school activities from 11:00 am until 12:45 pm)
Snack, Lunch, Clothing & Toys
Healthy and organic snacks are provided every mid-morning, including hot cereal (oat/millet), brown rice, freshly baked bread, soup, rice cakes, popcorn, fruits, nuts, and warm herbal tea.
Lunch should be brought from home. Please include a napkin in the lunch bag (a wet cloth or wet paper towel in a zip lock bag works well)
The following items should be brought in at the beginning of each season:
- Rain coat
- Rubber boots or Velcro shoes (must be water resistant and easy to wear)
- Extra clothes (2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of underwear, 1 short sleeve shirt, 1 long sleeve shirt, and 1 pants)
- Hat and mittens (seasonal)
Please replace anything that was brought home.
Each item should be labeled with your child’s name.
Children may bring toys or books from home as they transition into school. However, please encourage your child to keep valuable toys at home.
Discussions around child development and parenting are encouraged. Daily greetings during pick-up and drop-off provide opportunities to share current information about the child’s physical, social and cognitive development. Home visits help children to transition smoothly, while building rapport with family. These usually take place at the beginning of the school year, but I will offer times to schedule these conferences throughout the year, if necessary.
Parents are invited to spend the morning with us.
Prospective families are encouraged to visit the preschool.
If you decide to enroll, your family will be asked to fill out a personal information form and provide a photo along with a $50 registration fee.
- In July, I will share information about summer events, school rosters, and important dates.
- In August, I will do a short home visit.
- The last Wednesday in August will provide an opportunity for children to “Welcome the Fall” and experience school one week prior to the first day of school. This will be a short, two-hour school day with free play, circle time, snacks, and outdoor play. There will be no need to provide lunch on this day, as we will end at noon.
- The first official school day will be the first Wednesday after Labor Day, from 9:45 am until 12:45pm.
8:45 am: Arrival
Children should arrive no later than 9:20 am. Arriving on time will ensure continuity and an easy transition into playtime.
Free Play
First Activity:
Tue: Water color painting
Wed: Baking and cooking
Thu: Craft and handwork
9:45 am: Tidy up
9:55 am: Circle time (songs, games, greetings, morning verse, seasonal stories with movements and gestures to learn through imitation)
10:20 am: Light snacks
10:45 am: Outside play (swings and sand box)
Second activity:
Tues: Games (ball tossing or jump rope)
Wed: Woodwork
Thu: Raking/washing/cleaning
11:45 am: Washing and getting ready for lunch
11:55 am: Lunch (brought from home)
12:30 pm: Stories or puppet play
12:45 pm: Goodbyes